I have managed to upload two stories to the Granny's Tales website this month. The first is the story of my great great aunt, Fanny Amelia Ellington née Woolgar. No one spoke of Fanny, although much was said about her siblings. She was born in Highgate, grew up in Dulwich, married in Hastings and then returned to south London. During her life, she spent time in three different asylums. She leaves no living descendants. The second story is that of Thomas Baker. I discovered Thomas recently, when I was trying to identify how I was connected to a DNA match. Thomas was my 3x great grandmother's brother and they grew up in rural Sussex during the agricultural depression of the early nineteenth century. Thomas was transported to Tasmania for life in 1830 and so far, is the only transportee that I have found on my family tree.
You can read their stories here.