Granny's Tales and Treasures

Granny's Treasures
On this page, I share the stories behind some of the family treasures. None have any intrinsic value but they are precious to me. I am the current custodian of some of these treasures; others have already been passed to my descendants, are looked after by other family members, or can be found elsewhere. Click on the images to download a pdf and find out more. To make things easier for those using a phone, I am now creating separate pages, so, as an alternative to accessing the pdf, you can just click on the title to be taken to a new page. At the moment, this only works for those with fewer pictures (those whose titles are underlined) but gradually, I will include this option for all the stories.
The patchwork quilt, begun by Clara Woolgar née Dawson and worked on by four generations.
Jessie's Locket
The locket that was made for Caroline Jessie 'Jessie' Leighton, by her father.
The pocket watch awarded to Albany Braund for forty-five years service on the railways, firstly with London South Western Region and latterly with British Rail Southern Region.
The wedding dress worn by my mother, Gwendoline Catherine Smith, when she married my father, Cyril Albany Braund, in 1947.
Three Victorian baby gowns that belonged to the Smith family.
Kitchen Memorabilia
The stories behind some of the things that lurk in my kitchen

A collection of Crested China, collected by my mother, Gwendoline Catherine Braund née Smith.
The story of various heirlooms that were brought back from the Indian sub-continent and the Far East by a member of the Seear or Smith families.
The sundial made by Samuel Braund.
The story of some of the decorations, many from the 1940s-1960s, that are hung on the Christmas tree each year. The tale of other treasured decorations and more Christmas memories can be found on the Memories page.
The ring that commemorated the marriage of my great great grandparents, Philip Woolgar and Mary Cardell.
The story of the games box that belonged to my grandfather, Frederick Herbert Smith and almost certainly his father before that.
The story of the chair belonging to my great grandmother, Clara Woolgar née Dawson.
The stories behind various school and Sunday school prizes that have been won by members of the family.
The Family Photograph Album
This account is a lightly edited version of an assignment about the family photograph album that I did as part of a post-graduate certificate in Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture. I once mislaid this album for several months, despite having scanned many photos and having since scanned many more, it was akin to a bereavement.
Granny's Tales